flower tinyHeb Eine Open Source Abrechnungssoftware für Hebammen

What is tinyHeb?

tinyHeb is a billing software for midwives in Germany to do the legal accounting with the health insurance companies in Germany. tinyHeb runs under Linux and Windows operating systems. It enables the midwives to produce paper and electronic bills, and meets the legal requirements of §301a, §302 SGB V, resp. The tariff structure introduced in 2007 is no problem at all.

I started programming tinyHeb for the following reasons:

  1. we only had an installation of a Linux operating system
  2. I was not willing to spent money on a commercial programm, that would probably not run under Linux
  3. just for fun ;-)

tinyHeb is published under the GNU General Pubic License, that means free of charges

Questions and suggestions pertaining tinyHeb can be raised and discussed in the tinyHeb Mailingliste. Instructions on how to install tinyHeb are part of the manual (PDF, german only). In case of problems take a look into the tinyHeb FAQ (frequently asked questions).

What kind of "Features" are part of the software?

Here is the summary of the planned feature enhancements/ amendments

What is the price of the software?

What are there requirements for tinyHeb?